Tuesday 1 April 2014


I don't think any of us were ready for the release of  evasi0n 7 back in December of last year, and neither were a lot of the developers out there, not even Jay Freeman (@saurik) was ready for the new jailbreak utility, and as a result Substrate or Winterboard wasn't prepared for ARM64 devices, it didn't seem to affect users on older devices as Substrate and Winterboard and a few other tweaks seemed to be working, although some did report having issues. Jay did bring us a new Substrate for ARM 64 devices, Cydia Substrate. Winterboard did take a bit longer to get working, and although Jay did get it working for us, it soon became apparent that theming would never be quite the same again. I for one was disappointed at the thought of not having my iDevices looking awesome as they have done in the past, but in a way I think this was the turning point in the Jailbreak community, the developers and designers had to really challenge themselves and new techniques and relationships began to shine through, the designers started really pushing the capabilities of theme making on iOS 7, and some Devs really started to shine as they found ways to bypass the new icon layout of  iOS 7. In the last few months we've seen great tweaks like Iconomatic bring back depth and shadowing to our springboards.
We are really starting to see just how well Devs and designers are able to adapt to changes that Apple makes with each new iOS software. Some beautifully crafted and well thought out themes have come out since the start of the year. I for one look forward to new themes coming out all the time and I'm a frequent user of themes in beta stages, it's good to get a feel for themes and to watch them grow and change. In my opinion Iconomatic really saved the look of themes on iOS 7, yes it has had problems, but nothing 'new' never goes smoothly to start, and with the power the tweak has it's bound to have teething issues. This tweak is still free and a paid "Pro" version will be arriving soon. I look forward to that. 

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