Tuesday 22 April 2014


Today I'm bringing to you a review of the theme SumwaZ, first off wow, it's very different from other themes out there. Some would say the design is quite wacky, on some levels I'd agree, but then I think it's a major breathe of fresh air, the iconomatic themes are brilliant, some add massive amounts of gradient and depth and plenty of shadow thrown in. Each icon has been designed from scratch, with out going overboard on the icon design @Svink77 has managed to create something unique and quirky and something you can tell has a lot of his personal character inside this theme. Also managing to bring us some beautiful UI elements which again sit perfectly in what @Svink77 has created with the icons. With all the iconomatic themes included you will always be changing the set up of your springboard, which if your a true theme fan you'll love doing anyway. This a fantastic "Different" theme, and the "Different" is a major bonus here. It's live in the Cydia Store now. If your a true fan of art you'll already have it. Don't forget to check out screenshots below. 


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