Monday 16 February 2015


This is my review of Arc by @Coccco26. This is his latest theme and comes straight off the back of Desire, which was a great success and was known for its many many add ons that were available with the theme, as well as a large amount of icons that had been designed from scratch, and Arc is no different on that front.

I first came across Arc a few weeks ago whilst it was in beta, and from the outset I knew that this was going to be packed with extras from the word go, the loading screens alone were over 50mb and that just cemented my thoughts that this theme was going in the same direction his previous themes have in regards to size of packages and the shear amount of extras available to the user.

When you first open Winterboard after installing you'll find the main theme package and 5 iconomatics, ranging from white lights to purple lights. You'll also find 8 badges ranging from a glass badge to orange badges and red and even a dark glass badge, and that's only a few I've mentioned. And you will find a choice of wallpapers, wallpapers with docks (for those on 6+ who don't like ClassicDock) and wallpapers with a border around that gives quite a Latin look to the springboard, and you'll find normal Wallpapers that have a status bar gap to keep it seperated from the springboard. Once you've done a respring you'll notice your icons, and the amount that are themed, it's got a great calming look and feel around all the icons and the theme itself. Even inside whatsapp is themed as in the chat bubbles, which I've not seen for a long time and normal messages app is themed too, you need to see the screenshots to do it justice.

For those of you who like your SBHTML themes you can get UNIAW7 themes to go with Arc, you will need several tweaks for this, GroovyBoard+ and Api+ and WidgetWeather2 and all of these are free, WidgetWeather2 is free in Cydia and the other 2 are available via a link in the description for this package. The UNIAW7 themes consist of a big framed weather wall that changes when the weather does, you can get this in 3 options, top, middle, bottom, and they are available for iPhone 5/6/6+ which covers pretty much everyone who will wish to run these types of widgets. It's a great add on and this was available in early beta stages.

If your a Convergance user you then you'll be happy that Arc also has a Convergance theme for the 3 devices that can run the UNiAW tweak. And CustomFolderIcons is also included in Arc so no more boring folders. Everything has been covered in Arc, from your settings panel all the way through to your LockScreen and folders, and let's just remember this is still only early days for Arc.   

(Dock and Widget not from Arc) 






















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