Tuesday 11 November 2014


Today I'm pleased to bring you my review of the expertly designed and outstanding new theme by @JunesiPhone called Zen8. This was the first iOS 8 theme ready for when the new jailbreak landed, as you'll probably of seen on Twitter there has been a lot of hype surrounding this theme, but to be honest there is always a big interest when June drops a new theme as he's one of the best designers and developers around and he never fails to deliver top quality themes. First off you'll notice that it's different from other themes that have been released as of late due to the fact of a great colour scheme and it just flows seamlessly from page to page on your springboard and even into the settings icons. Each icon is made from scratch and a massive amount of icons have been themed, from AppStore apps to Cydia apps and of course stock icons. Gentle UI touches have been made where they can be (more will be made available to theme when Winterboard is updated) like the control centre has been tweaked and UI knobs and sliders. You get 5 iWidgets with this cracking theme ranging from clocks to full weather forecast widgets and 5 Iconomatic themes ranging from subtle shadow to a detailed border, and a large selection of wallpapers are available on iDeviceWalls.com and also inside the MMi thread. Yet again June has stepped back into the theme scene and smashed it yet again but then that's what we've come to expect from June. The best way to set this theme up is to theme badges using the free BlurryBadges tweak, remove the stock dock by installing SBHTML and then use whatever icon arranging tool that you prefer. This theme is a definite must have on any iOS 8 or 7 iPhone 5/5c/5s/6/6+. Whilst using this theme you'll see the quality design and engineering in each individual icon and UI element, don't take my word for it check out the screenshots below and you'll agree it's stunningly different variation on theme making, and different is what keeps things interesting we should always strive to push ourselves in life and seeing Devs take risks and push the boundaries of design is always a good thing for the Dev and for us as we get the fun of being able to rock our devices with great themes that Devs like June produce for us. A great lockscreen tool to use with Zen8 is miWeather8 which is available in Cydia right now. Zen8 has now been released in Cydia and can be found on the Macciti repo, as with all themes I review I would ask that you purchase this in the correct manner and support Devs to continue bringing us great themes.  


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