Today I bring you a review of miWeather8 by @JunesiPhone. As we all know June is the brains behind some of the best Lockbuilders and Lockscreens available to us all within the Jailbreak community, this great versatile Lockscreen tool uses GroovyLock to run it unlike LockBuilderEvo which uses Cydget (yet a GroovyLock LockBuilderEvo was available in iOS 7).
You won't get the same level of customisation as you did with LockBuilderEvo, but that is not a reason to ignore this great tweak as you can still customise this tweak, whether it's a range of options for weather to the Cataracs clock which is a box that has the time inside it and you can change the levels of transparency, you can change font style and colour and the usual like temp and conditions and the ability to change your wallpaper.
Whilst GroovyLock is awaiting it's imminent update you are required to respring your device after changing wallpaper or settings. If your a fan of being able to customise your LockScreen or you are a fan of LockBuilderEvo then this is definitely a tweak for you. This tweak runs so smoothly on your iPhone and I've had great pleasure using this tweak and let's face it, if you enjoy using something like this and find its usability as great as I did then the Dev has done a great job, this is yet another example of June's competence and skill at coding great tweaks like this.
When you've chosen your desired set up then you'll be greeted by your wallpaper and to each side of the screen you will find a tiny arrow, if you tap on the one on the right you'll have a weather forecast slide into the screen from the right, and coming in the update is a calendar also which I've had the pleasure of testing and its a great addition to miWeather Forecast, and if you press the arrow on left you'll have a circle which displays your battery and memory come in from left of screen and 3 toggles underneath 1) WiFi toggle 2) Bluetooth toggle 3) Location Toggle.
This great LockScreen tweak is in Cydia now and is free if you purchased miWeather8. Go grab your copy now, and as always please support your Dev by purchasing in the correct way. This isn't the last tweak we will see from June I'm sure, also check out June's great website for all your Jailbreak answers. Please check out the screenshots below.
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