Tuesday 9 September 2014


Today's review is of another great theme by Xpprem, this theme comes directly after VectrOS which like all of Xpprem's themes is beautifully designed and each icon crafted to give the user a extremely pleasurable experience while using their iPhone. This stunning theme comes with 2 icon sets, 1 black and 1 white, no matter which colour you decide to use you will be greeted with carefully and precisely designed icons, which is what we've come to expect from Xpprem as time after time he delivers fantastically crafted icons as well as carefully tweaked UI touches, as you will see for example the red spinning loader that spins by the sources tab in Cydia and the loading box in Cydia which shows his remarkable eye for detail and making sure it doesn't over power other elements of the theme. The Cydia tabs are themed with great small details (check screenshots below) the same goes for the AppStore tabs also. As with all of @xpprem themes you will have plenty of elements to choose from inside Winterboard, from Iconomatic themes and a classic badge theme and ClassicDock theme and not forgetting the choice of icon colours and settings icons for both coloured icon sets. With the Iconomatic themes Xpprem has managed to give so much depth and shape to these cracking icons, with the shadows available he's managed to pull off making the icons look like they are floating on your Springboard, which is great as when iOS 7 dropped we were all shocked at how "flat" the stock icons were and themers were concerned they wouldn't be able to give us the icons we all loved due to Apple changing how the icon platform worked, but with these Iconomatic themes Xpprem has really given shape and depth to these icons, but if your a fan of "flat" you can activate a square mask in Winterboard and also a flat square Iconomatic, so their is options for all sorts of tastes. All the stock Apple icons are themed as well as most popular apps and Cydia apps also themed, also included is a ColourKeyboard theme a SBHTML theme and the Control Centre is themed and also is a great boot logo for iMX. This really is as full a theme as possible with iOS 7 and yet another classic in the making from @Xpprem and I very much doubt and hope it will not be the last theme we see from him. A lot of extras are available on the MMi thread, from extra icons to docks and plenty of other options, be sure to check the thread out. This guy is a fantastic designer and has a great passion for design, and in my opinion if someone has a passion for design it shows in their work, and yet again this is clearly visible to see throughout the entire theme, if their is an icon you need then drop him an email and he will do his upmost to get it done for you as quickly as he can. If you've experienced Xpprem's previous work like iForce, SeptemOS or his famous white collection or PlasMUI for example then you will know that you get a high standard of quality and design and he has not let us down with his new theme iMX, in fact yet again he hasn't just delivered he's absolutely smashed it yet again, their is nothing that this guy can't do in the design stakes, he just delivers, and it's not just themes, a while back he made some amazing weather icons and he's made some fantastic iwidgets with the themes mentioned above. I for one look forward to more themes coming from Xpprem in the future as I'm sure you will. Make sure you check his other themes out, iMX is live in Cydia now so be sure to check it out, and as always please support the developer by purchasing this theme in the correct way and check out the screenshots below. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey bro, i wanna thank you for this really nice post. Much appreciated and glad you like it!
